Buenos deseos de esperanza y generosidad nos abordan cada Navidad, un mensaje que debería permanecer todo el año, pero que une y mucho en estas fechas.
Deseo que cada uno de vosotros vea cumplidos sus anhelos, comparta amor, amistad, cariño y alegría, comprensión, solidaridad, compasión y fraternidad. Valoremos lo que tenemos, nada más....disfrutemos de los buenos momentos en compañía de familia y amigos y fomentemos los valores que realmente importan, una mirada al telediario y parece que el mundo está huérfano de estos, valores que nos hacen crecer y ser mejores personas.
No dejemos de soñar y creer en algo diferente, en algo COOL, en un mundo ideal....
¡¡¡COOL ROOM os desea una FELIZ y COOL NAVIDAD!!!
Good wishes of hope and generosity we address every Christmas, a message that should remain throughout the year, but binds much at this time.
I wish every one of you see their wishes fulfilled, share love, friendship, love and joy, understanding, solidarity, compassion and brotherhood. Value what we have, nothing more .... enjoy the good moments with family and friends and promote the values that really matter, a look at television news and it seems the world is orphaned from these values that make us grow and become better people.
I wish every one of you see their wishes fulfilled, share love, friendship, love and joy, understanding, solidarity, compassion and brotherhood. Value what we have, nothing more .... enjoy the good moments with family and friends and promote the values that really matter, a look at television news and it seems the world is orphaned from these values that make us grow and become better people.
Do not stop dreaming and believing in something different, something COOL, in an ideal world ....
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